PASS Board Elections – Voting Deadline is TODAY!

In case you have been under a rock, or buried in work, or otherwise occupied, the PASS Board elections are going on and end TODAY! There are some amazing candidates (thanks to the selection committee for all of their work in bringing us this fine list of folks) running for a handful of seats. Big question – have you voted yet?

When you vote you are exercising your voice and opinion on who from the SQL community best represents your views on the direction and future of the PASS organization. That said, the total number of people voting during each election cycle has steadily declined, with fewer that 1000 people voting last year.

With this being one of the easiest ways to be involved with PASS, you would think that these numbers would be increasing. If you have not voted yet, go check out the candidates. If you look at all of them, and just can’t decide who to vote for, give that Chris Hyde a second look – while it might seem like personal bias, I honestly feel he is well equipped for this position and will represent PASS and the SQL community with the same enthusiasm and vigor he has brought to the Albuquerque user group and all the other locations where he has spoken for user groups or SQL Saturday events (including the North Texas SQL Server User Group).

The voting deadline is 12 noon PST today (2pm CST). If you haven’t voted yet then put that query down and get to it!

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