Tag Archives: SQLSatBR

Speaking – SQL Saturday Baton Rouge!

This Saturday will mark the fourth year that I will be speaking at SQL Saturday Baton Rouge at LSU. Out of all the SQL Saturday events I have participated in since 2014, Baton Rouge is one of the few that I have been to every year since. Houston is another one…and actually, these may be the only ones only because they have had an event every year.

Not only am I speaking on Automation with PowerShell and Deadlocks and Blocking, but I am also participating in a panel discussion on Careers in IT. I’m excited to be invited along with some of the other speakers to be a part of this. Looking back on my own school days, I knew I would have a career in IT, but little did I know I would detour from a path in development to the world of SQL Server, and becoming a DBA.

How do they make this happen? Work. Lots of hard work. After helping with SQL Saturday Dallas 2015, joining the NTSSUG board in 2016, and then having an organizing role in 2016, I found out how much goes into the planning of these events. If you have attended a SQL Saturday or you are going to in the future, be sure to say “THANK YOU!” to all the organizers and sponsors. If you want to get more involved in the SQL Server community, SQL Saturday is a great way to do that – just show up at the event, find an organizer and tell them that the SQL Kitten sent you to be their humble servant volunteer for the day…or you could just say you want to volunteer and leave out the other stuff because it might make it weird.

SQLSat#324 – Session Noms

Thanks to everyone who attended my sessions at SQL Satruday #324 in Baton Rouge. This was really a awesome event – thanks also to all the people that helped put it on and all the sponsors who helped make it happen.

I had a great time presenting and I think my demos went ok (for the first time ever doing demos). I also really appreciate the feedback since I want to keep on presenting. If you were in one of the sessions and have any further comments or questions feel free to leave a comment here and I will get back to you.

Also, I have gotten the scripts posted here and the download appears to be working now. Let me know if you have any questions about those. Enter the password below to access and download the scripts from Beginning Automation with Powershell.

Thanks again and see everyone next year!

SQL Saturday #324 – I’m headed South!

It is just a few more days until SQL Saturday #324 – Baton Rouge. I will be giving two sessions there – Making the Leap from Developer to DBA and Beginning Automation with Powershell. So looking forward to this event!

The last time I was in southern Louisiana I was barely in my 20’s and on a family vacation. I found that my normal routine for straightening my natural curls was no match for the level of humidity in New Orleans. This memory prompted me to check the weather for this weekend – yeah…this could get interesting.

See everyone there! 🙂